Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Don't wanna be anything....

....other than me. It's been a crazy hectic spring. I've been waiting for a night like this for a while.

It's like a trial.

It's one of those nights, emotionally spent and sore. Alone in my apartment, I think of all I miss. If I don't reign myself in, it becomes what could have been. These are the times that call on my faith.

Above all else, I believe there's no such thing as should have been. I believe all is as it should be at any given moment in time.

I believe in truth, but not as a constant through time. It changes for each person, it changes with each new thing we learn.

I recently recovered from two and a half weeks of the flu. Two trips to the hospital and one to my doctor. 10 prescriptions. vomiting blood. Adverse reactions to Reglan. Tremors. Neck, shoulders, jaw, and throat muscle spasms. IV. Benadryl. No income. No energy.

My truth right now is a bit rough. Yet it feels right. When I listen inside and out, I feel life is right. I don't know where this path will lead, but I know where it goes will be right. In the trials I find my faith.

Faith that all is not for naught. That there is a purpose to our lives. Purpose that comes from the act of existing and not from a super natural force.

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