Thursday, May 22, 2008

What it is to me?

For years I have labeled myself, agnostic. Not because it was a wholy accurate description, but because it was close enough.

Even my dog tags list my religion as agnostic.

The more I searched, the more I realized I was not agnostic. I was, in fact, gnostic without even knowing.

Being gnostic is not easy in a judeo-christian world. Then again, being a lesbian in a heterosexual world, is not easy either. I wouldn't change one, why change the other.

I have always felt called to religion. Religious study, investigation, and exploration.

So, what is gnosticism to me? What makes it different from any other religion I have learned about?

It is a religious sect under which one can unite all the great spiritual and religious paths without having to choose. It is the path of knowledge. What is more powerful than knowledge?

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